
編號 類別 中文 英文
701 牌誌說明宣導事項 展館整理中,尚未開放,請見諒! The exhibition hall is not yet ready for opening. Please excuse us.
702 重大政策 前瞻基礎建設-軌道建設:阿里山林業鐵路設施設備安全提升計畫 The Forward-looking Infrastructure Projects-Railway Infrastructure: Facilities and Equipment Safety Improvent Porject on the Alishan Forest Railway
703 重大政策 前瞻基礎建設-軌道建設:阿里山森林鐵路42 號隧道計畫 The Forward-looking Infrastructure Projects-Railway Infrastructure: Tunnel No.42 Construction Project on the Alishan Forest Railway
704 重大政策 前瞻基礎建設-水環境:加強水庫集水區保育治理計畫 The Forward-looking Infrastructure Projects-Water Environment Infrastructure: Reservoir Catchment Conservation Implementation Plan
705 重大政策 前瞻基礎建設-水環境:縣市管河川及區域排水整體改善計畫 The Forward-looking Infrastructure Projects-Water Environment Infrastructure: the Overall Improvement Plan for River Administered by County Governments and Regional Drainage
706 重大政策 國家航遙測飛機更新計畫 The Government Aircraft Purchasing for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
707 保育管理 國際里山倡議夥伴關係網絡(IPSI) The International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI)
708 牌誌說明宣導事項 山區崎嶇多霧,請遵守交通規範小心駕駛 The mountain area is rugged and foggy. Please follow traffic rules and drive carefully.
709 森林產業 疏伐跡地 thinned forest area
710 林學詞彙 疏伐 thinning
711 林學詞彙 下層間伐 thinning from below
712 林學詞彙 疏伐強度 thinning grade
713 林學詞彙 疏伐率 thinning grade
714 林學詞彙 間伐率 thinning grade
715 林學詞彙 間伐強度 thinning intensity
716 育樂場域設施 三岔路口 Three-way Junction
717 林學詞彙 主伐木 thriving tree; main crop; principal crop
718 育樂場域設施 售票處 Ticket Booth
719 育樂場域設施 剪票口 Ticket Gate
720 牌誌說明禁止事項 無票旅客禁止進站 Ticketed Passengers Only
目前總筆數:826  目前所在頁數:36/42
瀏覽人次:41102 最後更新日期:2020-03-30