
編號 類別 中文 英文
1 重大政策 森林永續經營及產業振興計畫 Sustainable Forest Management and Industrial Revitalization Plan
2 重大政策 國土生態保育綠色網絡建置計畫 Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN) Construction Project
3 重大政策 林業文化資源保存與整體再發展中長程計畫 Medium- and Long-Term Plan for the Preservation of Forestry Cultural Resources and Overall Redevelopment
4 重大政策 國家航遙測飛機更新計畫 The Government Aircraft Purchasing for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
5 重大政策 瀕危物種及重要棲地生態服務給付推動方案 Payments for Ecosystem Services for Endangered Species and Critical Habitat Promotion Program
6 重大政策 新興竹產業發展計畫 Bamboo Industry Development Program
7 重大政策 強勢外來入侵種移除防治及復育計畫 Control, Removal, and Restoration Project for Aggressive Invasive Species
8 重大政策 大阿里山軸帶百年躍升建設計畫 Great Alisan Historical Corridor Centennial Advancement Construction Plan
9 重大政策 前瞻基礎建設-軌道建設:阿里山林業鐵路設施設備安全提升計畫 The Forward-looking Infrastructure Projects-Railway Infrastructure: Facilities and Equipment Safety Improvent Porject on the Alishan Forest Railway
10 重大政策 前瞻基礎建設-軌道建設:阿里山森林鐵路42 號隧道計畫 The Forward-looking Infrastructure Projects-Railway Infrastructure: Tunnel No.42 Construction Project on the Alishan Forest Railway
11 重大政策 前瞻基礎建設-水環境:縣市管河川及區域排水整體改善計畫 The Forward-looking Infrastructure Projects-Water Environment Infrastructure: the Overall Improvement Plan for River Administered by County Governments and Regional Drainage
12 重大政策 前瞻基礎建設-水環境:加強水庫集水區保育治理計畫 The Forward-looking Infrastructure Projects-Water Environment Infrastructure: Reservoir Catchment Conservation Implementation Plan
13 法令規章 森林法 Forestry Act
14 法令規章 森林法施行細則 The Enforcement Rules for the Forestry Act
15 法令規章 野生動物保育法 Act on Wildlife Conservation
16 法令規章 野生動物保育法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of the Wildlife Conservation Act
17 法令規章 文化資產保存法 Cultural Heritage Preservation Act
18 法令規章 文化資產保存法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act
19 法令規章 保安林經營準則 Regulations for Conservation Forest Managements
20 法令規章 國有林林產物處分規則 Regulations Governing Disposition Of Forest Products Of State-owned Forests
目前總筆數:824  目前所在頁數:1/42
瀏覽人次:43271 最後更新日期:2020-03-30